


導演Dir:程孝澤Hsiao-Tse  CHENG
主演Cast:柯佳嬿Chia-Yen KO、張榕容Sandrine PINNA、范植偉Chih-Wei  FAN

18歲的小璦(張榕容 飾)是個活潑開心的高中女生,她熱愛蛋糕,認為人生中沒有比做出完美甜點更開心的事情,直到她遇到來自日本的交換學生渺渺(柯佳嬿 飾),才發現有一些事情比蛋糕更甜蜜。內向的渺渺與熱情的小璦很快成為好朋友,她們對未來有不同的幻想,但在校際蛋糕比賽來臨之前,渺渺卻整天跑去一家二手CD店打發時間,老闆陳飛(范植偉 飾)每天帶著大耳機把自己封閉起來,渺渺決定揭開陳飛悲傷的秘密,但是當小璦發現渺渺喜歡上陳飛之後,她才發現,自己對渺渺的友情比她想像的更深…...

18 year-old Ai is a mischievous girl who cannot imagine any greater happiness than making the perfect pastry. Until the shy Japanese exchange student Miao Miao walk into her life, Ali discovers some things in life are sweeter than cake. As the baking competition comes near, Miao Miao spends less time by the oven and more time in a second-hand CD shop owned by Chen Fei. Miao Miao makes it her mission to discover the secret hides in the Chen Fei’s sad world. When Ai realizes Miao Miao is falling in love with Chen Fei, Ai discovers her feelings for Miao Miao may go deeper than she ever expected.  

製作Production:澤東電影公司JET TONE Films
發行Distribution:美商華納兄弟公司 Warner Bros.




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