


導演Dir李啟源Chi-Yuarn Lee

主演Cast姚安琪Angel Yao、李律Amiya Lee、廖千慧Chien-Hui Liao

愛情才剛懵懵懂懂,安琪(姚安琪 飾)和小步(李律 飾),搖曳著高校女孩的短短裙襬,在夏日陽光灑落的鞦韆上,開啟了私密的撫摸和未知的探索。阿咪(廖千慧 飾)站在樹下手足無措地面對男孩的告白,卻因一坨從葉間落下的鳥屎掉在肩上,結束了來不及開始的愛情。小步在措手不及的恐懼中離開安琪,室友阿咪卻在不停旋轉的摩天輪上,開始了與小步男友的三角戀情。青春的愛戀來得無跡可循,卻又去得沒有道理,只剩下兩人在突然落起大雨的海邊,不停地跳舞盤旋。 

Xiao-Bu finds herself in a cat fight with Angel over a cigarette, Ah-Mi sleeps with Xiao-Bu’s boxer boyfriend, and Angel kisses Xiao-Bu. What could be worse? Imagine living with an alcoholic father who chose nothing in life but to stare out of a window. Picture the embarrassment if bird droppings stained your clothes just as you were asking someone out on a date. Even if the three girls never find wings under their beds, they still fly. Who cares who loves whom more, who sleeps with whom, or whose birthday cake is eaten? They still breathe and their eyes never grow dull. For without chaos, there is no youth.


製作Production李啟源電影有限公司Chi & Company
發行Distribution原子映象有限公司ATOM Cinema




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