導演:鍾孟宏 Meng-Hung CHUNG
主演:張震Chen CHANG、桂綸鎂Lun-mei KWAI、戴立忍Leon DAI、杜汶澤Chapman TO、高捷Jack KAO、曾珮瑜Peggy TZENG、金士傑Shi-Jie JIN
陳莫(張震 飾)和妻子(桂綸鎂 飾)約好母親節一起吃晚餐,想拉近他們疏遠的感情。他在回家途中想買個蛋糕,正好路邊有個停車格,陳莫開心的停車,離開去買蛋糕,不料回來之後,發現另一輛車並排停在他的車旁,擋住了他的出路。整個晚上,陳莫在附近公寓樓層間尋找違規停車的人,遇見了一連串的奇人異事,還被流氓蓋布袋,打得鼻青臉腫。搞了一個晚上,陳莫到底有沒有辦法安然回家呢?是的,停車位很難找,一旦找到了,可別高興得太早……。
On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen-Mo makes a date for dinner with his wife, hoping to bring their estranged relationship back together. While buying a cake on his way home, a car unexpectedly double parks next to his car, preventing his exit. For the entire night, Chen Mo searches owner of the illegally parked car, and encounters a succession of strange events and eccentric characters. After many hardships, Chen-Mo finally gets his car out of the parking space, and, with new friends riding beside him, advances toward a new horizon in life.
製作Production:甜蜜生活製作有限公司Cream Production Company
發行Distribution:甜蜜生活製作有限公司Cream Production Company